Snipbit from the Editorial for May 2010:
Welcome to our May 2010 Update
If you choose to believe that the economy is supposed to be on the cusp of a turn as I do, then let's get started now. If you were unfortunate to get caught up in redundancies, having to close your business etc., then it's time for a good re-think, speak to like-minded people and get yourself and your business back on track.
So what makes Lir different?
Working with experienced people who are in business. Being cautious of well-meaning people who may never have taken a risk in their lives is a start. You see, even having 21 years experience behind us, like you, we are clawing out way out of this recession too and feel we are making some headway.
We are doing this by providing very affordable full colour printing and confidential secretarial services, certified training courses with flexible payments and class booking times (note, you may qualify for some funding) and we are continually looking at new ways to improve. We are looking for ways in which you can sell yourself better and position yourself better. So, all in all, we have to dare to be different and approach all opportunities in a different way, for example ... for Newsletter in full, enter your email address on
"Remember, if you keep doing things the same way - hey presto - you keep getting the same results!" Hard to swallow sometimes ...
At the Festival of the Fires - Hill of Uisneach last weekend: